Current release of Repbase Update
Repbase, also known as Repbase Update, is a Database of Repetitive DNA published by Genetic Information Research Institute. You may download the content of the Database under the following conditions:
You agree NOT to make the Repbase (or any part thereof,
including Repbase Reports, Repeat Maps
and other derived materials, modified or not)
available to anyone outside your research group. "Make available" includes
leaving the data where it may be accessible to outside individuals
without your direct knowledge (e.g. on a computer to which people
outside your group have login privileges), as well as directly
providing it to someone. Refer any requests for the Database
to GIRI (http://www.girinst.org).
You agree NOT to use the Repbase for commercially
restricted sequencing and/or proprietary sequence analysis.
Commercially restricted sequencing is defined as sequencing for which
a company retains patenting or licensing rights regarding the sequence,
or the right to restrict or delay dissemination of the sequence;
with the sole exception that sequencing is not considered to be commercially
restricted if it is federally funded and the investigators adopt the
data release policies endorsed at the Wellcome Trust-sponsored Bermuda
meeting, i.e. immediate release of data as it is generated).
If you are doing commercially restricted sequencing or other proprietary activities involving any portion of Repbase see the instructions at the top of this page. -
You agree to properly cite the Database and its specific, original contributions if directly related to your work (see References for details).
- All members of your group with access to the Database agree to the same conditions.
By downloading any portion of the Repbase you hereby agree to all of the above
Here you will find the Repbase Update collection.
You can either download the entire collection:
- EMBL format
(203.06 MB) 01-24-2025:
RepBase30.01.embl.tar.gz - FASTA format
(96.23 MB) 01-24-2025:
RepBase30.01.fasta.tar.gz - Repbase-derived RepeatMasker libraries:
RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-20181026.tar.gz (53.48 MB)
- REPET edition:
RepBase30.01_REPET.fa.tar.gz (114.85 MB)
- Repbase source data for DFAM:
dfamrepref.embl.tgz (0.75 MB)
gunzip RepBase30.01.embl.tar.gz tar xvf RepBase30.01.embl.taror, if you have gtar installed:
gtar -zxvf RepBase30.01.embl.tar.gzto untar and uncompress it;
or you can download each section separately from the subdirectories:
RepBase30.01.embl 01-24-2025
RepBase30.01.fasta 01-24-2025